Quilted Snail Mail

Wow.  That was a hard fall off the blogging wagon.

I blame my yoga retreat in Massachusetts, my vacation in New York, the homecoming after the aforementioned vacation, and Thanksgiving.  They were all so delightful that I couldn't pull myself away long enough to sit in front of the computer.

There's another reason.  I'm knee deep in Christmas crafting, and I can't share those things with you - mainly because the "you" that are reading my blog right now are made up largely of the crafty gift recipients.  Hence the need for a little secrecy.

However, I do have a little project to share - some notecards that I made for my friend Beth.  No matter how technologically savvy we get, Beth's friends can always count on a hand-written card or letter.  Sometimes I'll get an unexpected happy little card in my mailbox on a random Tuesday.  There's something about snail mail - it just puts a smile on my face.

So I was very excited to be able to give these quilted cards to Beth as a seriously belated birthday present when I spent the day with her in Connecticut during my New York adventure.  I like to think of all the smiles when one of Beth's friends gets an unexpected card in the mail.
