Weekend Crafting Projects and Giveaway Winner
On the East Coast, we're gearing up for Hurricane Irene to round out Natural Disaster Week. Which reminds me, I wanted to apologize for that. Apparently it was the gays. Woops!
Crafting during an earthquake is probably rather difficult, but crafting during a hurricane is totally doable so long as (1) you're not yet in duck-and-cover mode and (2) you have some candles. Since we're readying for the possible power-less weekend, I thought I'd round up some weekend projects you could do by candlelight. No power necessary! And if your weekend will be hurricane-free, then light some candles just for fun.
Make a quick Friday afternoon jaunt to the craft store for supplies, and you could be making:
This sparkly tote bag from Alisa Burke, made from glitter shimmer transfer sheets - no sewing required!
Quick and instant art from your back yard (you'll probably have your pick of twigs after all that wind blows them off the trees) and an old dictionary page. This bird silhouette by Vintage After Thoughts is so clever, and you could use the idea for other images - maybe frogs are your thing, or stars, or...really anything else. The dictionary is a big book.
A doily, some fabric paint, and a craft letter are all you'll need to make this adorable market tote from Just Sew Sassy!
If you're hoping that the lack of power will help you channel your inner pioneer girl, then perhaps you'll want to whip up this rag rug using the tutorial over at Moda Bake Shop.
If you're a mom type and your kids are going a bit stir crazy, you can enlist their help making these hemp string pendant lamps from Crafty Nest. They'll love getting their hands dirty, and you'll love the instant home decor!
Or if you're a yarn-lover, you can join me in some crocheting as I work to finish my giant granny square blanket. I even joined the crochet-along at Le monde de sucrette to try put some fire under my butt.
Whatever craft you're working on, I hope you have fun doing it - and watch out for drippy wax!
And, no I didn't forget, the winner of the lovely map heart art giveaway is.....drum roll please...

Novice Wife of the delightful blog Accidentally Yours! NW, I'll be emailing you shortly with details! Thank you so much to everyone who entered and shared their birthday stories!