The Smoky Mountains in Pictures
Thank you for all of the kind comments on my previous post. Perhaps I'm a bad person for taking comfort in others' perfectionism issues, but it does help to know that I'm not alone.
I mentioned that our camping trip to the Smoky Mountains was a bit rainier and more frustrating than we would have hoped. But it was still a beautiful vacation. I love the Smoky Mountains - for their accessibility as much as their natural splendor. The Rockies are magnificent, no question. The first time I saw them (that I can remember), I gasped at how spectacular they were. But with spectacular-ness sometimes comes distance and coldness. Perhaps those who have lived with the Rockies in their view feel about them as I feel about the Smokies - like visiting an old friend, comfortable and welcoming.
Of course, like all old friends, the Smokies have some flaws. Way too many spiders, for one. I was recently told that these granddaddy long legs are not actually spiders, but I say - if you look like this...
you're a spider. At least in my book.
But, as with friends, there are so many good parts, that you decide to visit anyway!
We saw beautiful flowers
Clear streams

Old homesteads
And gorgeous views.
When I got back from the mountians and told folks about our trip, I was surprised to hear that many people didn't know about the Smoky Mountains! I hope these pictures will encourage you to take a little trip if you haven't yet.
For more pictures of our Smoky Mountains vacation, visit my Flickr page.

I mentioned that our camping trip to the Smoky Mountains was a bit rainier and more frustrating than we would have hoped. But it was still a beautiful vacation. I love the Smoky Mountains - for their accessibility as much as their natural splendor. The Rockies are magnificent, no question. The first time I saw them (that I can remember), I gasped at how spectacular they were. But with spectacular-ness sometimes comes distance and coldness. Perhaps those who have lived with the Rockies in their view feel about them as I feel about the Smokies - like visiting an old friend, comfortable and welcoming.

Of course, like all old friends, the Smokies have some flaws. Way too many spiders, for one. I was recently told that these granddaddy long legs are not actually spiders, but I say - if you look like this...

you're a spider. At least in my book.
But, as with friends, there are so many good parts, that you decide to visit anyway!
We saw beautiful flowers

Clear streams


Old homesteads


And gorgeous views.

When I got back from the mountians and told folks about our trip, I was surprised to hear that many people didn't know about the Smoky Mountains! I hope these pictures will encourage you to take a little trip if you haven't yet.
For more pictures of our Smoky Mountains vacation, visit my Flickr page.