Brightly colored things
I found time this past weekend to get myself a little Christmas tree ($20 from Whole Foods!) and decorate a bit with some bright and cheerful bobbles. If I had my druthers, all my decorations would be handmade with care. But this year, there wasn't time for that. And all of our decorations are in storage since we knew we wouldn't have room for a Christmas tree in this apartment. So, I found a few cute little things at Michael's to Christmas the place up.
And of course, I'm alone here in the apartment. Never fear, we'll be spending the actual holiday in Georgia with my family, but I always like to do a little something to bring the holiday spirit into my home.
As with most interfaith couples, Navah and I are still working through the "Christmas Dilemma." This year, there are no discussions about how we will or won't decorate in our home. Next year, we'll be back to blending and compromising. And I have to tell you, I couldn't be happier. It's a funny thing to mix lives and faiths and traditions - to love another person so deeply whose traditions are different from your own and to simultaneously love yourself and your own traditions. It can be sticky business, but it can also be amazing. I've truly enjoyed celebrating Rosh Hashana and Passover, learning the Chanukah songs, and making some kick-ass matza ball soup. And our growth as a couple has blown me away. Religion and food and family traditions are obviously incredibly emotional issues. Learning to talk about them in ways that are respectful and that honor each person's feelings and experiences can't help but bleed over into other aspects of a relationship. At least that's been our experience.
This year, I'm comforting my lonely self on the quiet nights after a long day at work with bright little bits and bobbles.
And of course, I'm alone here in the apartment. Never fear, we'll be spending the actual holiday in Georgia with my family, but I always like to do a little something to bring the holiday spirit into my home.
As with most interfaith couples, Navah and I are still working through the "Christmas Dilemma." This year, there are no discussions about how we will or won't decorate in our home. Next year, we'll be back to blending and compromising. And I have to tell you, I couldn't be happier. It's a funny thing to mix lives and faiths and traditions - to love another person so deeply whose traditions are different from your own and to simultaneously love yourself and your own traditions. It can be sticky business, but it can also be amazing. I've truly enjoyed celebrating Rosh Hashana and Passover, learning the Chanukah songs, and making some kick-ass matza ball soup. And our growth as a couple has blown me away. Religion and food and family traditions are obviously incredibly emotional issues. Learning to talk about them in ways that are respectful and that honor each person's feelings and experiences can't help but bleed over into other aspects of a relationship. At least that's been our experience.
This year, I'm comforting my lonely self on the quiet nights after a long day at work with bright little bits and bobbles.
Hope you're all enjoying this holiday season with people you love.