Candy-Coated Pretzel Sticks

Candy-Coated Pretzel Sticks 5

If you woke up this morning and thought to yourself, Oh my god, how is it the Wednesday before Christmas already?! I still have to make holiday goodies for my office party/dogwalker/coworkers/mailman/neighbor/Christmas Eve shindig!!!, then this recipe is for you.  In fact, it's not even really a recipe.  It's more like a series of quick and easy tasks.

First, go to the store and buy a bag of large pretzel sticks, some Christmas sprinkles, and some candy melts or melting chocolate.  I used candy cane flavored candy melts from Michaels, but you can get that kind of thing at the grocery store.

When you get home, melt your candy melts or chocolate according to the package directions.  I just poured mine into the bowl and zapped them in the microwave.
Candy-Coated Pretzel Sticks 1

Pour your sprinkles onto a plate.

Dip the pretzel sticks into the melted chocolate/candy, making sure not to coat it too thickly.  I used the back of a spoon to smooth off any excess.

Stick the pretzel in a cup to let it dry for 15-20 seconds, and then roll it in the sprinkles.   Heavy toppings like chocolate chips (even miniature ones), don't work so well.

Candy-Coated Pretzel Sticks 4

I rested those on wax paper to dry.

When they're all finished, put them in the refrigerator to chill for a couple of hours.

Then put them in a cute little bag, pair with a card, and voila!

Candy-Coated Pretzel Sticks 7
I made a little peppermint bark while I was at it because I am all about easy this year.

Other combos that could be delicious:

Dark or milk chocolate rolled in crushed peppermints
White chocolate drizzled with milk or dark chocolate
Dark or milk chocolate with sprinkles
Milk chocolate rolled in crushed hazelnuts

I hope my assistant thinks they're as yummy as I do!