Weekend in Pictures

jammer morning
vegan scramble 1
crocheted dog
Blog 1140

Today is the last Monday I'll spend at this job, and I feel a mix of excitement and trepidation.  There's a lot to pull together this week so that others can take over my tasks - my ever-growing to-do list is a wee bit overwhelming.

I spent the weekend with a run-of-the-mill head cold.  My mom and stepdad were in town, so I tried to make the best of it and get out and about while simultaneously taking care of myself.  The little man watched over me while I blew my nose in bed, I headed out for some yummy brunch, I got some soul nurturing at the Museum of Women in the Arts, took a walk, and made myself some soup. 

I'm feeling significantly better today and looking forward to finishing this chapter for good. 

How was your weekend?
