First batch of pillowcases!

I headed over to the post office this morning to see if any pillowcases had arrived. I was preparing myself on the drive over for an empty po box so that I wasn't disappointed, but lo and behold, there were SIX packages waiting for me.  PackagesPillowcases are coming in from all over the United States.  Today I brought home the work of crafters from Missouri, Tennessee, New Jersey, Ohio, California, and Kentucky.  And I know more will be rolling in over the next few weeks.

First Batch If you haven't yet contacted me about making pillowcases (via facebook, email, text, or in the comments section), we will have enough pillowcases this time. However, I have definitely taken note of how excited people have been to jump into this project, and I hope to bring you other similar projects in the future. For now, head over to  Craft Hope to see if there's a project there that could utilize your crafty skills. For those who have already contacted me, keep 'em coming!

My own pillowcase-making will likely have to wait until after the bar (Feb. 28), but I'll definitely give you guys a little show when I get mine completed.

Thank you again to all of you who have sent in pillowcases and to all who are working on them. Your work is so very appreciated!
First Batch 2