The Motherload

Well thank goodness that's over!  I missed you guys!

It'll be a short one as I'm still trying to get my life in order. After moving and then spending three weeks saying "that can wait til we're finished," the now-that-we're-finished list is kind of long!

But one of the things on it was going to check on the ol' po box to see if any new pillowcases had arrived. And boy, had they.


As you see, they had to give me a fancy container so I could get them all home!

And from these packages, I pulled FORTY-SEVEN pillowcases. Did you get that? Forty-seven!
DSC_0006 Which brings us to a whopping 56. And I know more are on the way.

They have arrived from family and friends, from fellow bloggers like Jess of Tiny Leaf Studios, and Caitlin, who corralled several of the other gals at Spoonflower to put together some absolutely adorable ones. And I've received many from folks who know nothing about me except that I'm taking these to Rwanda, and they wanted to help. 

That's all for today, but I'll keep you posted on the pillowcases and of course on the other domestic things I'm excited to get back to!

As always, thank you for reading.
