Pillowcases: The Final Tally

Today is the day!

In just a few hours, I'll be heading to...Newark! And then I'll meet up with my mom, and we'll be off to...Brussels! And then, finally to Kigali, Rwanda!! It's one long trip - about 23 hours total. Hello cramped legs and cranky Katie.

Of course, all that will wash away as soon as I get there. I'll be so excited to see Hannah, and it'll be 8 pm in Rwanda when we arrive, so I'll get to go to bed pretty soon after.

Packing up all the pillowcases has made me positively giddy with excitement about sharing them with the kids in the pediatrics ward.

I took a photo of each pillowcase, and I put together a little digital patchwork "quilt" on Picasa. Look how beautiful they all are! 

Collage Final

I'll be arriving with 114 pillowcases. When Hannah and I first talked about the project, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get the forty that she asked for. And now just a little over a month later, I'm bringing almost three times that many. (And for those who are wondering, my two pieces of luggage are currently weighing in at a combined total of 85 pounds. About 10 pounds of that is my clothing for the trip!)

I've said it several times over the last few days, but I'm going to say it again. I am so overwhelmed by how kind you have all been by giving your time, energy, and money to make all these pillowcases and send them to me. I thank you deeply.

Though I will be mostly without a computer in Rwanda, I have prepared some posts for while I'm away. Posting will be less frequent than usual, and I won't be able to respond to comments as readily as I normally can or post updates on Facebook or Twitter. But I hope you'll still stop in! If you're not a follower on google friend connect, through email, or through an rss feed, now might be the time to sign up so that you don't miss anything!
