Fabric-Wrapped Canvas
/I've always enjoyed projects where people come up with interesting and inexpensive ways to create art for their walls, but I haven't ever been in a position to make any of my own. We've always been pretty well outfitted with paintings and prints and at a loss for any extra wall space.
But in our new apartment, there are walls everywhere! Seriously, they're all over the place.
So of course, my brain is overflowing with ideas.
The first manifestation is a set of simple fabric-covered canvases that took me about an hour to make.
I came across these two kitchen towels in the clearance bin at Anthropologie and snatched them up for $9 each. I would never want to wipe my greasy hands on them, but I loved how colorful they were and I knew I wanted to use them together in some way that would capitalize on the different colors/same pattern thing they have going on.
A quick wrap around a couple canvases that I got last week for 40% off at Michaels did the trick.
I just placed the canvas on the towel in the location I'd chosen...
Used a staple gun to staple the fabric into place on the back and folded over and stapled the corners.
I stapled down the other one, and I had a pair.
One for either side of the french doors between the living room and dining room.
It's an excellent and easy way to showcase beautiful or interesting fabrics, and if I ever get bored of them or they don't match my decor, I can change them out or use the canvases for painting.
What's hanging on your walls?