Rwanda: Kitenge Fabric Dress
I am not a fashion blogger.
This is because (a) I am not fashionable, and (b) I have a very hard time looking normal in posed photos.
But this dress warrants a little fashion blogger-esque post.
Remember when I told you about my East African kitenge fabric? Back when I had just returned from Rwanda?
And I told you that I had left some fabric behind so that my sister's seamstress could make me a dress?
Well, the dress has arrived! All the way from Rwanda, and I absolutely love it.
I wore it out to the Burlington Farmers Market on Saturday and threw my arms up in a victory cheer when a girl walking by me turned and yelled over her shoulder, "love your dress!" Score.
And it has pockets.
Double score.
And since these pictures were taken at our farmers market surrounded by scrumptious locally grown fruits and veggies (I had a delicious fresh squeezed pear ginger kale juice from the solar-powered juice stand), I'll make an only slightly clumsy segue into telling you all about an awesome organization down in Tennessee that needs your help to win a fruit orchard.
Plant the Seed is a not-for-profit program that uses community and school gardens as outdoor classrooms to educate and empower under-resourced young people.
It's run by a fabulous (and funny) woman named Susannah, and it's in the running for a whole orchard of fruit trees from the Edy's Communities Take Root contest. You can read about Plant the Seed here and then head over to the Communities Take Root website and vote for Plant the Seed every day. There's not much time left, so get over there now!
Don't you love how this post transitioned from a fashion post into one about donating money to a gardening and food security nonprofit? I told you - a fashion blogger, I am not.