Pillowcases for Hannah
/If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that I traveled to Rwanda last year to visit my sister who was doing a fellowship there. And you know that I organized a drive for cheerful handmade pillowcases for the pediatrics ward at the hospital where she volunteered. The drive was a huge success, and we handed out dozens of lovely pillowcases to very appreciative kids and parents.
And then my sister put in a request for some unique pillowcases for her own bed after she returned to New York City for graduate school. It took me a few months, but I finally got down to business, pulled out the sewing machine, and made two coordinating pillowcases using this tutorial.
Hannah picked out the wide band of trim fabric for each pillowcase while I was visiting her in New York during the fall - from Purl Soho. And then I picked up the coordinating fabrics at JoAnn Fabric. I was so excited to find two with the same pattern that worked so well with the different trims.
They spruce up her simple navy duvet cover beautifully, if I do say so myself!
Hannah's had that bunny since she was born! |