Know When to Fold 'Em
/Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. And then call other people over and encourage them to laugh at you too so that you remember not to take things so freaking seriously (at least things that are really, truly not that serious).
Like infinity scarves.
I was attempting to make this scarf - so cool, right? It's a scarf that you can snap together to wear as an infinity scarf or unsnap to use as a blanket on long trips (or in my frigid office). And then my sewing machine broke, and I brought it to get fixed, and they fixed it. Except it still wouldn't work. And there was a lot of cursing and stomping of feet and feeling very sorry for myself about the stupid sewing machine.
One of my neighbors had mentioned a while ago that she taught a sewing class, so I stopped by her house to ask if she had any ideas. She did. I took her suggestions and changed the needle (ballpoint wasn't working for the knit + the snap tape I was using), and I put tissue paper between the knit and the machine to help with the feeding. Bam. It worked.
I was so jazzed. I sewed that sucker right up, patted myself on the back, and...realized I had sewn the snap tape on the wrong side. So the scarf snaps but in a bulky, obvious way. Not at all cute like the tutorial.
I gave up. Ripping out the seams would destroy the soft knit.
So I headed to the bathroom to take pictures of myself in the mirror with the scarf - I hoped they would convey my frustration, give-up-ness, and annoyance while not looking terrible. I was writing a post in my head about trying again when things don't work out, and it was going to be very profound, and I was thinking about how the perfect facial expression would convey that I was defeated but would rise again. Guys, I was really trying. This was serious business. But I was so cranky, and none of them looked right. I put down my phone in a huff and walked away.
When I picked it up again and scrolled through the photos, I couldn't help but laugh. What a ridiculous, vain way to spend 10 minutes of my life - the blogger mentality run amuck. And I just had to share it with you guys because I'm not always good at laughing at myself. When I am, I figure I should let other people join in.
p.s. The Messy Shot
p.s.s. I recognize that the scarf looks relatively cute in these photos, and I may still wear it. But it's a little uncomfortable with the enormous snap bulky situation at the back of my neck. I'll play with it a bit when I'm not so cranky.
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