10 Awesome Craft Projects You Can Do In An Afternoon
/I'm still working on my sweater a few rows at a time (but now on sleeves!), and my scrap blanket it still in the bag ready for knew knitted rows. But these long-term projects provide very little instant gratification. Sometimes I just need to whip out a project in an afternoon and feel awesome about it. I haven't been allowing myself the luxury of a quick and easy project since I really want to finish that sweater before I move on to something else. So like a dieter roaming the aisles of a chocolate shop, I've been thinking about all the projects I wish I were working on right now.
I have been wanting to try my hand at weaving every since this project started taking over the DIY and craft blogs. I'm the perfect candidate with all my leftover scraps of yarn. All I need to do is make a little loom and get to it. This tutorial shows you how to make a loom from cardboard, which I have plenty of, so there's really no excuse for delay.
I love the look of these wool blankets with the cheerful trim, and I've been telling myself I'd make some for the guest room for ages. The single layer blanket looks stunning but is actually quite simple. The problem: do you know how expensive wool is? Once I strike it rich, I'll definitely be taking this on.
I can think of no good reason I haven't made these yet. They would take maybe 2 hours, and then drinking an evening cup of tea would be so cheerful! And I even have a set of drab coasters I could spruce up with these little pom poms. (Also, I like this project so much that I've pinned it twice.)
Our deck is freshly power washed and ready for a new stain and sealant and then maybe I'll finally add a little something functional and pretty, like a plant that repels mosquitos in a lovely little planter. I love the different colors and patterns and the idea of using something I already have.
I planned to make a bunch more of these after I made the first set, and I simply haven't set aside any time to make them. They're so simple, and I so enjoy looking at all the happy memories on the side of the refrigerator that I really need to hop to it.
We have one of those little plastic hummingbird feeders that's red with yellow "flowers" outside the kitchen window, and I love to see the hummingbirds come by. The look of the feeder itself leaves a little to be desired, though. Pretty ones usually cost upwards of $50. I can't get over how lovely this one is, and it's so easy (and inexpensive)!
I am deeply in love with this night light made from an old coffee can. Obviously it would be great for a kid's room, but I think anyone - young or old - would be delighted by a whimsical little light like this.
I can never have too many little baskets to hold the odd assortment of things I have hanging around, especially in my studio. I've been wanting to make a rope coil basket (or two) for quite some time. This seems like a perfect project to make while watching a good old movie on a rainy afternoon.
I don't really have room in my kitchen cabinets for new little tumblers, but these are so pretty and simple to make that I might just have to throw caution to the wind and assume I'll find a place to put them. How fun would it be to use these at a dinner party and be able to tell someone I made them myself?
These towels might be the simplest project on this list - it doesn't get much easier than stamping onto fabric. Of course, I might have to force myself to actually use them afterwards since they're so darn pretty.
Hopefully I'll set aside time to make something this weekend!
p.s. For more of my crafting desires, be sure to follow me on Pinterest.
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