The Liebster Award
I don't normally do these tagging posts, but Kara of Nest Candy who tagged me is so sweet that I decided to go for it.
So, Kara has tagged me with The Liebster Award. Since it focuses on small bloggers and I'm about to speak in the small blogging panel at BlogHer, it seems totally appropriate! Here's how it works.
The Description
The Liebster award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is German, and google translator tells me that it means favorite, though I also saw someone translate it as beloved.
Rules for receiving this award:
1. Each person must post 11 things about his/herself.
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you, plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them you've tagged them.
5. No tag backs.
I think I'm pretty much an open book on the blog, but here are eleven things that you might not know about me:
1. When I finished the last episode in the last season of Monk, I waited one day and then started from the beginning again. I love that man.
2. The only other show that I've watched that many seasons of? Murder She Wrote. Obviously I have a thing for cheesy mystery shows.
3. When I was in kindergarten, I wrote that if I could be any animal in the world, I'd be a kitten so people would pet me.
4. I cried when Little House on the Prairie went off the air. Little did I know that 25 years later I would be able to watch approximately 5 episodes a day on the Hallmark channel.
5. If I had to choose one type of food to eat every day, it would be food covered in cheese.
6. I don't like exercising (unfortunate, in light of #5).
7. In my second year of law school, I wore a stick-on moustache while at school for the entire month of November to raise money for the Equal Justice Foundation. (FYI: I did not bare my midriff at school. That was in my mother's kitchen at Thanksgiving.) I was the only girl in the competition, and I raised the most money, much to the disappointment of my guy friends who had actual fabulous moustaches (and had to wear them around all the time).
8. This week I have three (second) interviews. While you read this, my head is likely exploding.
9. My first word (at least in the story I've heard) was Dixie, the name of our dog.
10. I have a black thumb. I want to have a nice little garden, but all my houseplants die a slow, miserable, and confusing (to me) death.
11. I have a box filled with dozens of old journals. When I was in elementary school, I signed my name at the bottom of each entry with both my right hand and my left hand - I was hoping to become ambidextrous. It didn't work.
Kara's Questions
What is your go-to confidence boosting outfit?
A flirty black skirt with colorful birds on it that I got at this awesome charity event in Burlington where stores donate clothing to be sold at a discounted price and then the proceeds of the sales go to a charitable organization. It's the only real designer piece I've ever purchased. I wear it with a beautiful teal top with ruched sleeves. It makes me feel sassy.
What kinds of books or magazines do you like to read?
For books, I like fiction of all kinds (though no horror, and vampire stuff isn't usually my thing) and I like nonfiction books about writing, faith, memoirs, and personal development.
For magazines, I enjoy crafting, home decor, rural living/farming, and cooking. I just got a subscription to Oprah Magazine, and I've really enjoyed the first issue (which is mostly about summer reading with articles by writers - up my alley).
What is your favorite type of craft?
This is a hard one - I go through phases, but I think it's probably sewing. I'm not as good at it as I'd like to be, so I get very frustrated with it. But I think it's the area I'd be most interested in developing. Crocheting is a close second.
What's your favorite season/time of year?
Fall - I think it's because it's leading up to the holidays, and I get excited about wearing cozy sweaters. Maybe a holdover from highschool football season. I love walking outside that first morning when the air is crisp - there's a different smell to it.
How would you describe your design style?
Comfortable, with leanings toward cottage-style. Is that something? I'm not sure - I can tell you I'm not really modern or minimalist. I'm not country because I don't tend to like that busy-ness, but I do like some of the shapes and silhouettes. I don't like traditional - too swirly and stuffy. So what's left? I'm that.
Where did you last go on vacation?
If you don't count all the weddings I've been to or the visits home to see family, then it was the Smoky Mountains last fall. We camped and got rained on a lot.
Where do you get most of your recipes?
In truth, I get a ton of my recipes from bloggers whose recipes I've come to know and trust - Oh She Glows, Elana's Pantry, Smitten Kitchen. Otherwise I get a lot of things off Pinterest.
What is your favorite clothing store?
Ooh, that's hard. I don't buy a lot of clothes, though I do look a lot. I guess there are two places I most enjoy "window" shopping - they're on almost opposite sides of the spectrum - Anthropologie and Athleta. For my inner artist and my inner yogi.
Where do you work out?
Um...see #6, above. I don't. It's a bit of a problem. I do walk and jog occasionally. I go to yoga classes, but I prefer them to be more spiritual than exercise-y. So I should get on that. If I had all the time and money in the world, I'd probably want to join a gym with fabulous classes where I could go and boogie down. I don't want to feel like I'm exercising when I'm exercising.
What are some of your favorite blogs to read?
Alisa Burke, What I Wore, A Practical Wedding, Young House Love, Ordinary Courage, Posie Gets Cozy, (neverhome)maker, Elise Blaha, Sarah Bessey, Attic 24, Reading and Chickens, Mighty Girl. There are more. I read a lot of blogs.
What are some of your blogging goals?
I'm continuing to work on posting 5 days a week. Sometimes I fall off the wagon and only post 4. I'd like to get better at being more intentional with my content. I like that I have variety on here, but I'd prefer that it was more focused variety - like Mondays are this, Tuesdays are that, etc. And in that same vein, I'd like to prepare my posts in advance rather than writing them in a panic the night before (or day of).
My Questions for You
What do you eat for breakfast?
What's your favorite television show?
What did you want to be when you grew up when you were in kindergarten?
What food would you never eat?
When was the last time you got a speeding ticket?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
What are your favorite blogs?
What's your guilty pleasure?
How many hours a night do you sleep?
Have you ever had a nickname that you hated?
What are you afraid of?
The 11 Blogs I'm Tagging
Changing the Universe
Fourth Breakfast
Reading and Chickens
Wheat Not Want Not
Reckless Housewife
Little Green House
Salty Oat
Cakes, Tea, and Dreams
Tiny Leaf Studio
This has been really good for me because I realize I'm not reading that many other small bloggers, and I'd like to change that! So let me know if you read a small blog that you enjoy!
So, Kara has tagged me with The Liebster Award. Since it focuses on small bloggers and I'm about to speak in the small blogging panel at BlogHer, it seems totally appropriate! Here's how it works.
The Description
The Liebster award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is German, and google translator tells me that it means favorite, though I also saw someone translate it as beloved.
Rules for receiving this award:
1. Each person must post 11 things about his/herself.
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you, plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them you've tagged them.
5. No tag backs.
I think I'm pretty much an open book on the blog, but here are eleven things that you might not know about me:
1. When I finished the last episode in the last season of Monk, I waited one day and then started from the beginning again. I love that man.
2. The only other show that I've watched that many seasons of? Murder She Wrote. Obviously I have a thing for cheesy mystery shows.
3. When I was in kindergarten, I wrote that if I could be any animal in the world, I'd be a kitten so people would pet me.
4. I cried when Little House on the Prairie went off the air. Little did I know that 25 years later I would be able to watch approximately 5 episodes a day on the Hallmark channel.
5. If I had to choose one type of food to eat every day, it would be food covered in cheese.
6. I don't like exercising (unfortunate, in light of #5).
7. In my second year of law school, I wore a stick-on moustache while at school for the entire month of November to raise money for the Equal Justice Foundation. (FYI: I did not bare my midriff at school. That was in my mother's kitchen at Thanksgiving.) I was the only girl in the competition, and I raised the most money, much to the disappointment of my guy friends who had actual fabulous moustaches (and had to wear them around all the time).
8. This week I have three (second) interviews. While you read this, my head is likely exploding.
9. My first word (at least in the story I've heard) was Dixie, the name of our dog.
10. I have a black thumb. I want to have a nice little garden, but all my houseplants die a slow, miserable, and confusing (to me) death.
11. I have a box filled with dozens of old journals. When I was in elementary school, I signed my name at the bottom of each entry with both my right hand and my left hand - I was hoping to become ambidextrous. It didn't work.
Kara's Questions
What is your go-to confidence boosting outfit?
A flirty black skirt with colorful birds on it that I got at this awesome charity event in Burlington where stores donate clothing to be sold at a discounted price and then the proceeds of the sales go to a charitable organization. It's the only real designer piece I've ever purchased. I wear it with a beautiful teal top with ruched sleeves. It makes me feel sassy.
What kinds of books or magazines do you like to read?
For books, I like fiction of all kinds (though no horror, and vampire stuff isn't usually my thing) and I like nonfiction books about writing, faith, memoirs, and personal development.
For magazines, I enjoy crafting, home decor, rural living/farming, and cooking. I just got a subscription to Oprah Magazine, and I've really enjoyed the first issue (which is mostly about summer reading with articles by writers - up my alley).
What is your favorite type of craft?
This is a hard one - I go through phases, but I think it's probably sewing. I'm not as good at it as I'd like to be, so I get very frustrated with it. But I think it's the area I'd be most interested in developing. Crocheting is a close second.
What's your favorite season/time of year?
Fall - I think it's because it's leading up to the holidays, and I get excited about wearing cozy sweaters. Maybe a holdover from highschool football season. I love walking outside that first morning when the air is crisp - there's a different smell to it.
How would you describe your design style?
Comfortable, with leanings toward cottage-style. Is that something? I'm not sure - I can tell you I'm not really modern or minimalist. I'm not country because I don't tend to like that busy-ness, but I do like some of the shapes and silhouettes. I don't like traditional - too swirly and stuffy. So what's left? I'm that.
Where did you last go on vacation?
If you don't count all the weddings I've been to or the visits home to see family, then it was the Smoky Mountains last fall. We camped and got rained on a lot.
Where do you get most of your recipes?
In truth, I get a ton of my recipes from bloggers whose recipes I've come to know and trust - Oh She Glows, Elana's Pantry, Smitten Kitchen. Otherwise I get a lot of things off Pinterest.
What is your favorite clothing store?
Ooh, that's hard. I don't buy a lot of clothes, though I do look a lot. I guess there are two places I most enjoy "window" shopping - they're on almost opposite sides of the spectrum - Anthropologie and Athleta. For my inner artist and my inner yogi.
Where do you work out?
Um...see #6, above. I don't. It's a bit of a problem. I do walk and jog occasionally. I go to yoga classes, but I prefer them to be more spiritual than exercise-y. So I should get on that. If I had all the time and money in the world, I'd probably want to join a gym with fabulous classes where I could go and boogie down. I don't want to feel like I'm exercising when I'm exercising.
What are some of your favorite blogs to read?
Alisa Burke, What I Wore, A Practical Wedding, Young House Love, Ordinary Courage, Posie Gets Cozy, (neverhome)maker, Elise Blaha, Sarah Bessey, Attic 24, Reading and Chickens, Mighty Girl. There are more. I read a lot of blogs.
What are some of your blogging goals?
I'm continuing to work on posting 5 days a week. Sometimes I fall off the wagon and only post 4. I'd like to get better at being more intentional with my content. I like that I have variety on here, but I'd prefer that it was more focused variety - like Mondays are this, Tuesdays are that, etc. And in that same vein, I'd like to prepare my posts in advance rather than writing them in a panic the night before (or day of).
My Questions for You
What do you eat for breakfast?
What's your favorite television show?
What did you want to be when you grew up when you were in kindergarten?
What food would you never eat?
When was the last time you got a speeding ticket?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
What are your favorite blogs?
What's your guilty pleasure?
How many hours a night do you sleep?
Have you ever had a nickname that you hated?
What are you afraid of?
The 11 Blogs I'm Tagging
Changing the Universe
Fourth Breakfast
Reading and Chickens
Wheat Not Want Not
Reckless Housewife
Little Green House
Salty Oat
Cakes, Tea, and Dreams
Tiny Leaf Studio
This has been really good for me because I realize I'm not reading that many other small bloggers, and I'd like to change that! So let me know if you read a small blog that you enjoy!