Selling my wares

In a somewhat serendipitous turn of events, I signed up to sell my photography, notecards, and postcards at the ONE World Market in Burlington this weekend.

So, for all you Burlington folks, on Saturday from 10 am until 4 pm, I'll be at the North End Studio with my very own table and products.

I'm a wee bit nervous since I've never done anything like this, but I'm really excited about meeting some of the other creative-types in my neighborhood.  I've been getting my creative jollies online, but I miss have real-life creative buddies to connect with.

This evening, I'll be prepping everything - putting cards in their cellophane sleeves, framing some things, getting receipts ready - all that fun.  And then tomorrow morning, it's to the site I go!

Again, if you're in town, come see me!  There will be lots of other vendors and loads of fun activities - the market is just one part of the annual Ramble.

And if you're not in town, wish me luck!
