In honor of my 32nd birthday today (and so that I don't spend too much time thinking about how on earth it is that I'm 32 years old and don't feel like a grown-up yet), I'm giving away presents.
Specifically, I'm giving one of you any five of my original photography notecards of your choice. There are now more than are in my etsy shop, so I will send the winner pictures of all that are available.
But if you have bad luck with these giveaways, don't fret!
Everyone can get 32% off at my etsy shop using the code KTMADE32 when you check out TODAY. You'll just hit the link that says "Apply shop coupon code" and enter that code, and hurrah! You've just gotten yourself an awesome deal in honor of my birthday.
To enter the giveaway just leave a comment on this post telling me what makes you feel like a grown-up.
For extra entries, you can: 1. Become a follower, and leave another comment letting me know you have. 2. Tweet about this giveaway, and leave another comment letting me know you have. 3. Make a donation to Partners in Health (the organization that gets 10% of the proceeds from my Rwanda photography sales), and leave another comment letting me know you have.
Thanks for being such an awesome community for me!
So, for all you Burlington folks, on Saturday from 10 am until 4 pm, I'll be at the North End Studio with my very own table and products.
I'm a wee bit nervous since I've never done anything like this, but I'm really excited about meeting some of the other creative-types in my neighborhood. I've been getting my creative jollies online, but I miss have real-life creative buddies to connect with.
This evening, I'll be prepping everything - putting cards in their cellophane sleeves, framing some things, getting receipts ready - all that fun. And then tomorrow morning, it's to the site I go!
Again, if you're in town, come see me! There will be lots of other vendors and loads of fun activities - the market is just one part of the annual Ramble.
#Repost @ijeomaoluo with @make_repost
I spoke with @voxdotcom about the racial justice moment we're in right now. “Be wary of anything that allows you to do something that isn’t actually felt by people of color,” Oluo said. “I always ask myself when I’m trying to do solidarity work, can the people I’m in solidarity with actually feel this? Can they spend this? Can they eat this? Does this actually help them in any way? And if it doesn’t, let it go.”
Beautiful image and important reminder #Repost @mamaglow with @make_repost
Mama Glow - Black breastfeeding is a revolutionary act. There are so many barriers to breastfeeding success including: lack of peer support, lack of familial encouragement, lack of education and instruction, aggressive marketing from formula companies and health care providers, less accessibility to lactation consultants, lack of intra-community support, policy gaps like lack of federal paid family leave, etc. Systemic racism plays a huge role in breastfeeding and the trauma endured by enslaved black women who were forced to nurse the children of their masters is directly correlated with black breastfeeding rates today.
The CDC found that of infants born in 2012, 66% of Black women chose to breastfeed. While 75% of White women and 80% of Latinex women choose to breastfeed. Who really has a choice is the question.
Not all black mothers are set up to be home with their infants for a great length of time them and able to nurse their babies on-demand. 1 in 4 women in the US head back to work 10 days after giving birth. This includes people like our essential workers. All mothers should have access to quality and culturally competent care regardless of ethnicity, skin tone, partner status, income, location or insurance. They should have access to education and support groups during the perinatal period to help encourage breastfeeding success. Modeling breastfeeding in the community is an act of community care. It preserves a natural biological process that is no longer instinctive. If we don’t see breastfeeding in our community then our chances for breastfeeding success decline.
Salute to orgs like The Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association @bmbfa, who have a national impact on the reduction of racial disparities in breastfeeding success for black families. They provide education, valuable resources and ongoing support to black families and public/private agencies that service these families.
Who are some of your favorite care providers and organizations serving the community and preserving breastfeeding?
📷 @rebornfromwi