These Days: February
/waking up early and writing in my pajamas almost every morning
watching Downton Abbey (will everyone just leave Mr. and Mrs. Bates alone?!)
listening to Amy Poehler read Yes Please
falling in love with Amy Poehler as she reads Yes Please
looking forward to a micro vacation (one night) in Montreal
relishing all the color changes as I knit my leftover yarn striped throw
following @emrgencykittens on Twitter, thanks to my wife
reading Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lammott
planning my meals, sort of
wishing there were just a few more hours in every day
trying to enjoy the outdoors at least a little even though it's absolutely freezing
eating clementines like it's my job
feeling immense (immense!) gratitude for Navah's ability to make me laugh
p.s. Montreal will be great, but boy, do I wish we were heading back to Hawaii...